Abstract: As technology is growing, role of digital media becomes productive. Consequently, recording, editing and duplication of multimedia contents happen. Thus, protection and illegal use of digital media should be blocked. For this purpose, digital watermarking has become a consideration for the researchers. Due to this concept, online contents can keep safe and protect. There are numerous techniques have been proposed for image watermarking. In this thesis, a new technique has been proposed named as DNA optimization technique. Evaluations have been performed on the image and results show the performance of the proposed work. Additionally, alluded to as basically watermarking, an example of bits embedded into a computerized picture, sound or feature document that recognizes the record's copyright data (creator, rights, and so on.). The name originates from the faintly obvious watermarks engraved on stationery that recognize the maker of the stationery. Using this concept secure transmission can be possible with this technique.

Keywords: Steganography, Watermarking, Spatial Domain, Frequency Domain,